GDRR (General Data Retention and Removal) Policy

Effective Date: 07-12-2023

1. Introduction

Chitr, the image and video editing app, is committed to safeguarding the privacy and data security of its users. This General Data Retention and Removal (GDRR) Policy outlines the principles and practices Chitr adheres to when it comes to handling and managing user data collected through its subscription-based service.

2. Data Collection and Usage

Chitr may collect and process the following categories of user data:

Account Information: When users subscribe to Chitr, they provide information such as their name, email address, payment details, and other relevant account information.

Editing Data: Chitr may collect and store data related to images and videos edited using the app. This includes edited media files, filter preferences, and other editing preferences.

Usage Analytics: Chitr may collect usage data, such as session duration, features used, and user interactions, to improve the app’s performance and user experience.

3. Data Retention

Chitr retains user data for the duration of the user’s subscription and for a reasonable period thereafter, as required for business operations and legal compliance.

Account Information: Chitr retains account information as long as the user maintains an active subscription. After the subscription is terminated, this data may be retained for a limited period for audit and legal purposes.

Editing Data: Edited media files and editing preferences are retained for as long as the user keeps them stored within the Chitr app. Users have the option to delete their edited media files at any time.

Usage Analytics: Usage analytics data may be retained for a period necessary to analyse app performance and improve user experience. This data is aggregated and anonymized.

4. Data Removal

Chitr provides users with the ability to delete their account and associated data at any time. Users can request data removal by contacting our customer support team or using the app’s built-in data deletion features.

5. Data Security

Chitr takes reasonable measures to protect user data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We employ industry-standard security practices and encryption technologies to ensure data security.

6. Third-Party Services

Chitr may use third-party services for analytics, payment processing, and other app functionalities. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of these third-party services for information on their data handling practices.

7. Updates to this Policy

Chitr reserves the right to update this GDRR Policy to reflect changes in data processing practices or legal requirements. Users will be notified of any significant changes via email or app notifications.

8. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding this GDRR Policy or data privacy matters, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

By subscribing to and using Chitr, you agree to the terms outlined in this GDRR Policy. Your continued use of the app constitutes your consent to the practices described herein.

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