Cookies Policy for Chitr

Last updated: 07-12-2023

Welcome to Chitr! This Cookies Policy explains how we use cookies and similar tracking technologies when you access and use our image and video editing application, Chitr, which operates on a subscription-based model.

1. What Are Cookies

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device (computer, tablet, mobile) when you use our app. They help us recognize your device and preferences when you visit Chitr.

2. Types of Cookies We Use

2.1 Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the functioning of Chitr. They enable basic features such as authentication and account management for our subscription services.

2.2 Analytics Cookies: We use analytics cookies to collect information about how users interact with Chitr. This helps us improve our services by analysing user behaviour and patterns anonymously.

2.3 Preference Cookies: Chitr may use preference cookies to remember your preferences and settings, enhancing your user experience.

2.4 Marketing Cookies: We may use marketing cookies to deliver personalized advertisements and promotions tailored to your interests, both within Chitr and on other websites or platforms.

3. How We Use Cookies

3.1 Enhancing User Experience: Cookies help us personalize your experience on Chitr, remembering your preferences and settings for smoother usage.

3.2 Improving Services: We use cookies to understand how users interact with Chitr, allowing us to make improvements and develop new features.

4. Third-Party Cookies

Chitr may allow third-party services (such as analytics or advertising partners) to use cookies. These third parties have their own privacy policies and may use cookies in ways that are beyond our control.

5. Managing Cookies

Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings. You can typically choose to accept or decline cookies. However, please note that disabling cookies may impact your experience on Chitr and limit some features.

6. Changes to This Cookies Policy

WeReserve the right to update this Cookies Policy. Any changes will be posted here, and we encourage you to review this page periodically for updates.

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookies Policy or your privacy while using Chitr, please contact us at By continuing to use Chitr, you agree to the use of cookies as outlined in this Cookies Policy.

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